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Premium materials, Experienced installers, Affordable prices.

Premium materials, Experienced installers, Affordable prices.

Premium materials, Experienced installers, Affordable prices.



At Stay Cool, we are passionate about window tinting. We aim to provide affordable vehicle tinting services that make your car look great and stand out from the crowd. This is why we offer XPEL’s window tint films, which protect your family and vehicle’s interior from UV damage, filtering out up to 99% of harmful UV rays. Our window tint installation is done on-site and backed by a lifetime guarantee against peeling, bubbling and fading.

All our installers have at least 15+ years of experience and are certified by XPEL in the installation of their products.

Below you can find details on the product characteristics of each film type we offer along with a window tint simulator so you can see how our products can improve the look of your vehicle.

Click a product tab below to view its properties!

PRIME CS Dyed Window Films
PRIME CS Dyed Window Films If budget is a concern, we offer XPEL’s DYED PRIME CS BLACK. This film provides the sleek look of more premium options at a cheaper price. Available shades are 5%, 20%, 35%, and 50%.

                                                                       UV RAY PROTECTION Icon                                                                                                      

             INCREASES COMFORT                       UV RAY PROTECTION                            LOOKS GOOD                                     FADE RESISTANT

                  Dyed films help maintain                               Dyed films provide SPF 500                     Dyed window films modernize                        The film will keep its colour for
                 comfortable temperatures.                             protection against UV rays.                             the look of your vehicle.                                 years to come, guaranteed!
                                                                                                                                  GREATER CLARITY Icon                                                      LIFETIME WARRANTY Icon                                                 CLEAR SIGNAL                               THEFT PROTECTION                            REDUCE GLARE                                         WARRANTY
                 No interference with radio,                     Increased privacy from wandering               Dyed films reduce the sun’s glare,                       5-year product and installation
               cellular, or Bluetooth signals.                   eyes while deterring any potential              enhancing visibility and reducing                                             warranty.                                                                                                                                                     thieves.                                                              eye strain.
PRIME XR Nano-Ceramic Window Films
XPEL’s PRIME XR PLUS and PRIME XR BLACK window films are the latest and greatest in nano-ceramic film technology. These top-of-the-line nano-ceramic films offer maximum UV protection and heat rejection. Both products come in 5%, 20%, 35%, and 50% shades.

Includes all properties in dyed AND METALLIC window films

                   CERAMIC PARTICLES Icon                                                         SUPERIOR HEAT REJECTION Icon                                                UV RAY PROTECTION Icon                                                  VEHICLE LEATHER PROTECTION Icon


             The 1.5mm thick Prime XR film                        Prime XR films bock up to 96% of                  Prime XR films block up to 99%                  Prime XR films offer long-lasting
         contains a unique blend of ceramic                     the infrared heat and maintain                      of harmful UV rays (SPF 1000                  protection for your vehicle’s interior
            particles that act as a barrier to                        comfortable temperatures during                                     protection).                                from UV rays, protecting the colour
 infrared heat.                                                      summer and winter.                                                                                                                       integrity of leather.
                                                                                                  GREATER CLARITY Icon                                                LIFETIME WARRANTY Icon                                                                                                                                                                                GREATER CLARITY                       LIFETIME WARRANTY
                                                                                              Nano-ceramic films offer greater              Lifetime product and installation
                                                                                                            outbound visibility.                                                 warranty.
PRIME CS Dyed Window Films

If budget is a concern, we offer XPEL’s DYED PRIME CS BLACK. This film provides the sleek look of more premium options at a lower price. Available shades are 5%, 20%, 35%, and 50%.

                                                        UV RAY PROTECTION Icon INCREASES COMFORT                             UV RAY PROTECTION   Dyed films help maintain                     Dyed films provide SPF 500 comfortable temperatures.                   protection against UV rays.  


  IT LOOKS GOOD                                       FADE RESISTANT      Dyed films modernize                          The film will keep its colour     the look of your vehicle.                     for years to come, guaranteed!


       CLEAR SIGNAL                                     THEFT PROTECTION        No interference with radio,             Increased privacy from wandering     cellular or Bluetooth signals.           eyes while deterring any potential  


GREATER CLARITY Icon                                                         LIFETIME WARRANTY Icon 

       REDUCE GLARE                                          WARRANTY                   Dyed films reduce the sun’s                          5-year product and                 glare, enhancing visibility                            installation warranty.        

and minimizing eye strain.

PRIME XR Nano-Ceramic Window Films

XPEL’s PRIME XR PLUS and PRIME XR BLACK window films are the latest and greatest in nano-ceramic film technology. These top-of-the-line nano-ceramic films offer maximum UV protection and heat rejection. Both products come in 5%, 20%, 35%, and 50% shades.

Includes all properties in dyed AND METALLIC window films

CERAMIC PARTICLES Icon                                                         SUPERIOR HEAT REJECTION  Icon         CERAMIC PARTICLES                        SUPERIOR HEAT REJECTION The 1.5mm thick Prime XR film                Prime XR films block up to 99%   contains a unique blend of ceramic            the infrared heat and maintain       

   particles that act as a barrier to                 comfortable temperatures in

     infrared heat.                                          summer and winter.

UV RAY PROTECTION Icon                                                        VEHICLE LEATHER PROTECTION Icon   

  IMPROVED UV RAY PROTECTION                LEATHER PROTECTION             Prime XR films block up to 99%             Prime XR films offer long-lasting     of harmful UV rays (SPF 1000             protection to your vehicle’s interior

                       protection).                            from UV rays, protecting the colour

                                                                                           integrity of leather.

GREATER CLARITY Icon                                                         LIFETIME WARRANTY Icon

        GREATER CLARITY                                LIFETIME WARRANTY      Nano-ceramic films offer                          Lifetime product and   greater outbound visibility.                         installation warranty.     

PRIME CS Dyed Window Films

If budget is a concern, we offer XPEL’s DYED PRIME CS BLACK. This film provides the sleek look of more premium options at a lower price. Available shades are 5%, 20%, 35%, and 50%.

    INCREASES COMFORT Dyed films help maintain comfortable temperatures.



Dyed films provide SPF 500 protection against UV rays.

LOOKS GOOD Dyed films modernize the look of your vehicle.


The film will keep its colour for years to come, guaranteed!

CLEAR SIGNAL No interference with radio, cellular, or Bluetooth signals.


Increased privacy from wandering eyes while deterring any potential thieves.


REDUCE GLARE  Dyed films reduce the sun’s glare, enhancing visibility and minimizing eye strain.



5-year product and installation warranty.

PRIME XR Nano-Ceramic Window Films

XPEL’s PRIME XR PLUS and PRIME XR BLACK window films are the latest and greatest in nano-ceramic film technology. These top-of-the-line nano-ceramic films offer maximum UV protection and heat rejection. Both products come in 5%, 20%, 35%, and 50% shades.

Includes all properties in dyed AND METALLIC window films

 CERAMIC PARTICLES Icon CERAMIC PARTICLES The 1.5mm thick Prime XR film contains a unique blend of ceramic particles that act as a barrier to infrared heat.


Prime XR films block up to 96% of the infrared heat and maintain comfortable temperatures during summer and winter.


  IMPROVED UV RAY PROTECTION Prime XR films block up to 99% of harmful UV rays (SPF 1000 protection).



Prime XR films offer long-lasting protection to your vehicle’s interior from UV rays, protecting the colour integrity of leather!


GREATER CLARITY Nano-ceramic films offer greater outbound visibility.



Lifetime product and installation warranty.

2022 Kia Sorento X-Line

All Windows Tint (20%)

2022 Tesla Model 3

35% Front, 15% Back

2022 Tesla Model 3

35% Front, 15% Back


2022 Corvette Stingray

All Window Tint (35%)

2022 Corvette Stingray

All Window Tint (35%)

2022 Malibu Wakesetter

All Window Tint (15%)

2022 Malibu Wakesetter

All Window Tint (15%)

2013 Cadillac CTS Coupe

All Window Tint (5%)

Choose Your Package

PRIME CS Dyed Window Films
  • Increased Comfort
  • UV Ray Protection
  • Looks Great
  • Fade Resistant
  • Clear Signals
  • Privacy & Theft Protection
  • Glare Reduction
  • 5-Year Warranty
PRIME XR Dyed Window Films
  • Increased Comfort
  • UV Ray Protection
  • Looks Great
  • Fade Resistant
  • Clear Signals
  • Privacy & Theft Protection
  • Glare Reduction
  • Improved Heat Rejection
  • Improved IR Rejection
  • Ceramic Particle Technology
  • Superior Heat Rejection
  • UV Ray Protection
  • Interior Vehicle Protection
  • Improved Clarity
  • Lifetime Warranty

Choose Your Package

PRIME CS Dyed Window Films
  • Increased Comfort
  • UV Ray Protection
  • Looks Great
  • Fade Resistant
  • Clear Signals
  • Privacy & Theft Protection
  • Glare Reduction
  • 5-Year Warranty
  • Increased Comfort
  • UV Ray Protection
  • Looks Great
  • Fade Resistant
  • Clear Signals
  • Privacy & Theft Protection
  • Glare Reduction
  • Improved Heat Rejection
  • Improved IR Rejection
  • Ceramic Particle Technology
  • Superior Heat Rejection
  • UV Ray Protection
  • Interior Vehicle Protection
  • Improved Clarity
  • Lifetime Warranty

Got Questions?